User study in Helsinki
Helsingin Uutiset did an article about the utilization rates of outdoor gyms. The city of Helsinki has installed motion sensors on all the outdoor devices in four locations: Aurinkolahti, Hietaniemi, Pirkkola and Paloheinä.
In Aurinkolahti, the sensors are installed on all the Waffa outdoor devices.
What are the most popular devices in the destinations?
Aurinkolahti: dip machine
Hietaniemi: incline bench
Pirkkola: Squat
Paloheinä: Low row
The most popular outdoor gym is the Hietaniemi gym, which had a maximum of over 300 visitors per day
Dip machine has been used for 266 hours from 18 July to 28 August 2022.
218,000 repetitions were accumulated.